Industrial Excellence

The lure of a highly-advanced economy

Gifted to foster dynamism and attract talents, Nantes is the largest business hub in Western France with world-class centres of excellence.

A large number of European and world-wide competitiveness centress boost the attractiveness of Nantes and represent a strong support in the organisation of international conventions.

Nantes’ modern and vibrant economy is built on the presence of leading world companies such as STX, Vivalis, LU, Airbus, Alstom, Eurofins...

Nantes - European Capital of Innovation 2019

The city of Nantes in north-west France is the European Capital of Innovation 2019, the Commission announced at the European Research and Innovation Days. The title was awarded to Nantes in recognition for its outstanding ability to harness innovation to improve the lives of its citizens and its open and collaborative governance model.

Learn more

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    Pôle d’enseignement supérieur
    du Grand ouest de la France avec :


    chercheurs en établissements
    publics et privés


    étudiants (10 % d’étrangers)


    laboratoires classés A ou A+ par l'AERES, tout domaine confondu


    Grandes Ecoles dont une université à la pointe dotée d'un secteur recherche reconnu dans le monde entier

  • 1er

    Pôle français de construction navale


    port de la façade Atlantique


    croissance industrielle de France


    croissance de l’emploi numérique en France


    pôle aéronautique français

World-renowned sectors of excellence:

Biotechnologies and healthcare


Sustainable development

Wood and eco-construction

Composites & metal materials

Digital industry

Sciences of the sea (marine renewable energy)


Nantes certified
« Capitale French Tech »

Driving digital entrepreneurship and French start-ups, the Nantes French Tech focuses on 5 priorities:

  • Deployment of start-ups
  • Talents and diversity in the digital and high-tech areas
  • International development
  • Deep Tech dynamics
  • Positive impact projects (environmental, social and societal)
A state-of-the art and research-intensive university highly recognised worldwide

In this context, the NExT project (Nantes Excellence Trajectory) aims to further develop research, training and innovation, for the benefit of tomorrow’s Health and Industry. It will give Nantes a wider international outreach. This approach is a unique opportunity to foster interaction, attract researchers and establish closer links with the industry.