
FIAPAC Conference – september 2018

In September, over two days, the care provision of abortion and contraception will be re-explored and discussed, a little more than 40 years after the adoption of the Veil law. The aim of the conference is to facili­tate and trigger professional reflections, with an ethical view of woman health, and the control of reproductive life and sexuality. Nantes is the ideal place to do that, as it boasts a very dynamic and engaged community in the field, as well deeply involved citizens and local authorities.

La Cité Congress Centre is located in the heart of Nantes, opposite the high-speed train station, only two hours from Paris, and at walking distance from most hotels. So accessibility is good, even for the participants who will come from far. But what matters to me the most is the people working there. There has been a close relationship that has developed between myself and La Cité over the years; we initiatied and won the bid for the FIAPAC Conference together. I know we can trust them, and they surely can deliver. ” he says. “Alto­gether, Nantes is a very attractive place.

Professor Philippe David, Conference Chair and Gynecology and Obstetrics surgeon at the Clinique Jules Verne
By Rémi Deve – Chief Editor The Boardroom magazine